MCT oil stands for Medium Chain Triglycerides and is highly-refined coconut oil. The potential benefits of MCT oil are well-known. Active CBD Oil created this product for those who have sensitive tastes and wanted simple ingredients. We took it a step further and have our CBD/MCT oil tincture available in a variety of strengths from 300mg up to 2500mg per bottle.
- THC-Free
- Unflavored and Odorless
- Comes in 1oz 300mg, 2oz 1250mg, and 2oz 2500mg
- Applied under the tongue for maximum absorption
- Absolutely no fillers, preservatives, solvents or additives.
- Made from Non-GMO Hemp
- Each batch that is produced is sent to a 3rd party lab and results and consistently updated
Suggested Use: Take one dropper full and place under the tongue for 30-60 seconds. A dryness in the throat is normal when ingesting MCT oil and will go away after 10-30 seconds.
Ingredients: MCT oil and hemp-derived CBD
High Quality, Low Price
Discover CBD is one of the first companies to become involved in the CBD industry. From the beginning, we’ve focused on selling high-quality CBD products at affordable prices. If for any reason you are not delighted with your purchase.